20+ Years of Experience in Short Term Rentals
In a world where increasing expertise is needed in every quarter, there are few people who can be completely independent and is the reason Eric Mason and I considered that in such an expansive industry, it needs expansive and tailored expertise.
We are all learning all the time and with an avalanche of technology, fluid economics and changing markets it is hard to keep abreast of all that is needed to build or sustain a business. Specific help with topics such as social marketing, SEO, web building, revenue management, photography, design, insurance etc. can help shortcut many months of confusion and costs. On a more generic scale company reviews, financing, business mentoring is also supported by our network members where and when suitable.
WE LIKE TO SAY “YES” :- However if we cannot accommodate your request, we will know somebody who can help and be referred and if we can’t help we will be say so!
Yes Consulting is building a collective of experts and advisors for all these specific industry requirements. Whether you are an independent host, a managing agency on a growth curve or a company developing technology or new concepts in the rental sector, there is always someone to help you within a well-developed network. This is our ultimate goal.
Our network has started with a collection of individuals that the founders know and have worked with and are confident in recommending. This does not mean that everyone agrees on the same strategies and approaches. Each market is different and never more so than in this sector, hence we are engaging and inviting network members across the planet for exactly that reason.
If you would like to know more please contact us.