Vacation Rental Consultants

Q:- Why write about the subject and tasks we undertake daily?

A:- To illustrate that even the choice of advisory businesses and helping hands to work with is challenging, as is running a tech or property management business.

Experience undoubtedly counts for a lot in the short-term rental industry, but so do hard work, other industry experiences, intellect, and the capacity to absorb information. As the adage says, the challenge is time, and time is money. It is too easy to become wrapped up in daily issues, led by inaccurate information, or drop the ball.

Are all advisors or consultants the same?

The answer is no. Advisors like Yes Consulting have witnessed and fallen into the bear traps, been blinded by the rental light in management and software development, and worked with many third parties. The Yes partners, having founded and sold many businesses and worked with many others, believe we are very level-headed on many aspects of the industry and have helped numerous companies rationalise and advance their businesses. Check out some of the brands that, over the collective years; we have been involved with to one degree or another, not necessarily all as contracted consultants, but in our careers, and have allowed us extensive reach and a depth of experience unrivalled by many.

Working for other businesses is an excellent grounding in management, marketing, finance and the vagaries of commerce in general. Founding, growing, and exiting businesses add a whole new dimension and underpin the capacity to help others, especially those focused on growth. We have done this in both private and public companies.

The vacation rental world has rapidly become very specialised. Advice covers a broad spectrum of categories and often requires expertise that can only come with continual learning and development. We usually contract very specialised requirements or recommend third parties you can approach. On a global basis, no single company can provide all the advice you need; it requires a trusted and competent network that we can offer.

Management Companies

Companies’ objectives vary, but all have fundamental needs: market share, profit, staff health and happiness, and future development opportunities in a rapidly changing world. Sound simple? We know this is not a simple task and is often challenging, but if you are wondering if you are facing a common management challenge, you will likely find that you are not alone! Perhaps it’s tech or its staff looking to exit and needs to plan or find a buyer quickly. Contact us!

Software or Platform Investments

If you are planning to invest in a vacation rental software business or marketing platform and have been blown away by the pitch deck, the team and the market numbers, then just be aware that the hundreds of software suppliers and platforms rarely make serious money. All face serious challenges to become that enviable Unicorn and that Saas winner. They are called Unicorns because they are mythical, and remember, despite appearances, all vacation rental roads are not paved with gold! If you are considering investing, perhaps call us; we have been there!

Please visit our Services page for more information and a general overview of our services.