Since January we have been snowed under as the STR industry comes alive with its plans for 2025. So what have we been up to apart from working on 3 M&A deals and working with clients in the US, France, UK, Spain and Portugal.
Bookings! How are you doing in 2025
We have spoken to many managers on their initial bookings and expectations. So far the purest leisure ones that we work with and are focussed on their whole rental game are seeing bookings up and ADR’s are holding up. Some of the largest companies are reporting down trends, but this may be due to the overall geography and we will need to await quarterley information.
2024 The Final Results
Kindly provided by Key Data Dashboard some interesting information. Looks like it peaked!

Dynamic pricing struggles, the big report
We are prepping the next Newsletter, which does a deep dive into dynamic pricing and Revenue Management. So many managers are struggling on set up and leave approach to dynamic pricing and when we look under the hood, we can see why. We cover all aspects and offer up some advice on how to mitigate a potential disaster!

If you want to receive the newsletter and report on dynamic pricing and revenue management, then use this link

Instagram & Branding
We have just launched our Instagram account under “yesadvisory” as yesconsulting was not available. The following is our first reel, a little head nod in a well known direction of get rich quick. We would love you to follow us of course and we will try to make you smile, save money, and be more profitable.

Conferences in 2025
We will be presenting at a number of conferences this year starting in February in Sofia, Bulgaria, then followed by a couple of local managers meetings in March, the STAA in London on moderating a panel, closely followed by the HCH Air Host show. Several other invites are in already and we will update soon. Which shows will we attend. Scale Conferences are always worthwhile and the VRWS yearly event is always good too.
Content for other companies
We often write articles for other companies such as the bi-monthly news on Holiday Cottage Handbook and a more recent affair, on the Scale Community website. The latest was Casago’s acquisition of Vacasa.

We were honoured to be asked to moderate “Situ Livings” new webinar series, the first on the UK and legislation, with two leaders in the field. This was very well attended and extremely informative. The series will move across to Europe soon.