Two of our network involved and organised by one: Luca de Giglio (thank you Luca) in this webinar last week (July 2020). A great collection of ideas and approaches to the future of Property booking/webs

Web 1.0 was easy to read and hard to write. HomeAway was the major player. It amounted to not much more than a listing site, leaving the transaction to the parties.

Web 2.0 is easy to read and write. Airbnb started a revolution by making things easier. It completely owns the transaction and Hosts and PM have little control.

Web 3.0 will bring back power to the users. They will own the account, the listings, the reviews and the transactions. They will even own the platforms. It’s time to start the transition to Web 3.0 but before we get technical we need to decide what we want to build. Let’s start by getting the best minds in the industry around a single major question:

HOW WOULD THE PERFECT BOOKING PLATFORM BE? In this panel we have some major voices in the Short Term Rentals industry: Matt Landau (VRMB), Vanessa Souza De Lage (Rentals United), Simon Lehman (AJL Consulting) and Richard Vaughton (Yes Consulting) Their collective expertise is astounding, and we are humbled to have them on board for this panel. 

Richard Vaughton  https://yes.consulting